Thursday, April 26, 2012

Location-based technology can pay off...

I love seeing proximity-based innovation grow in mobile apps. If you’re building an app think about adding driving directions to your store.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Incentives Motivate Moms...

Moms are highly engaged in brand conversations and are keen on finding bargains and additional ways to save. Incentives, including coupons, local deals, discounts and product samples, serve as a powerful marketing tool to drive moms to discuss and pass information about products on to their network of friends.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Are you vigilant in protecting customer data? 4of4...

Be aware of phishing attempts. As phishers become more savvy, their emails look more credible. Check URLs closely and verify that they are legit.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Are you vigilant in protecting customer data? 3of4...

Be just as strict with remote access. Your VPN should be using the strongest possible encryption method. Only offer VPN to employees who have valid business reason. A VPN connection is a door to your LAN, and should only be open when it needs to be.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Are you vigilant in protecting customer data? 2of4...

Be strict about employee access. When someone no longer needs access, delete that user THAT DAY. Shared user accounts and passwords are insecure SO DON'T DO THAT!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Are you vigilant in protecting customer data? 1of4...

Be vigilant about passwords. Most intrusions happen through the front door vs. the technical back door. Enforce strong passwords and change it periodically. Set expiration dates on passwords, and enforce password histories.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Interesting Facebook Stat...

If you're an American aged over 12 and under 50 then you're probably on Facebook. If not, you're in a minority of just 4%.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Personalize your email!...

Personalization will close the gap between the faceless corporate brand and your customer.
  • Insert a real name in the FROM line.
  • Insert customers first name in the email
  • Insert past purchases and preferences in your email template

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Create a relationship...

An email with a link to your website is advertising not relationship building. Add a question or a poll in order to create a dialogue. Adding these requests in an e-mail that drives them to either a dedicated landing page or a social network transforms e-mail from a one-way ad into a branded interactive experience. A real relationship is about give-and-take over time not repeated blasts of short form ads.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Anticipate and market to your brand champions who promote accross channels...

A client posts on your Facebook wall and or positively tweets about your brand these actions are great for eMail triggers for thank you message or a more personalized message.

How do you get your emails read?...

First develop simple segments!
Segmented email marketing programs generate 2x-5x over non-segmented programs.